Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: November 27, 2019 (Taiwan Time)
East-Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2019
February 19(Wed)-21(Fri), 2020
ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan


The poster boards at the workshop can accommodate posters of up to 100 cm in WIDTH and 140 cm in HEIGHT. Posters in either "portrait" or "landscape" format smaller than this dimension can be fitted on the board. An A0 size poster (120 cm by 84 cm), for example, can be displayed in portrait format.

Total number of abstracts: 37
Session 1: Cosmology and the high redshift universe (6)
1-1 Jheng-Cyun Chen 陳正群 Unification of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Host galaxy of the first off-axis X-ray Flash
1-2 Wei Ju Chen 陳韋儒 Structure jet of Gamma-Ray Bursts
1-3 Hiroyuki Hirashita 平下博之 Dust sources and grain size distributions in high-redshift galaxies
1-4 Kuiyun Huang ALMA Polarimetry of AT2018cow
1-5 Yu-Hsiu Huang 黃昱修 ALMA Observations of Dust-obscured GRB Host Galaxies
1-6 Kianhong Lee 李建鋒 The radio-loud fraction of low-luminosity HSC quasars at z~6
Session 2: Galaxies and galactic nuclei (11)
2-1 Dawoon Kim The Molecular Gas Kinematics of HI Monsters
2-2 Hiroshi Kondo ALMA view of 1 pc-scale molecular gas structures in M33
2-3 Sao Koyama 小山紗桜 ALMA 370-pc Resolution Imaging of z~3.2 Submillimeter Galaxy
2-4 Yusuke Miyamoto Molecular gas properties in the central region of NGC 613
2-5 Kouichiro Nakanishi 中西康一郎 High spatial resolution imaging of the NGC 253 nuclear starburst
2-6 Suzuka Nakano Mm/submm Energy Diagnostics in the AGN-Starburst Composite Galaxy NGC 7469 with ALMA
2-7 Keisuke Sato CO multi-line observations toward the central region of barred spiral galaxy NGC613
2-8 Kazuki Shibata Study of physical states of molecular gas in NGC 3627 by CO multi-line observations with ALMA
2-9 Andrea Silva Star formation properties of merging galaxies at z<2.5
2-10 Tomoka Tosaki 濤崎智佳 Physically-identified molecular cloud structures in local galaxies
2-11 Anli Tsai CO Observations on Galactic Outflows in Starbrust Galaxy NGC3628
Session 3: Interstellar medium, star formation and astrochemistry (15)
3-1 Hao-Yuan Duan 段皓元 Modeling the First Hydrostatic Core Candidates Barnard 1b-N and 1b-S
3-2 Somnath Dutta ALMA survey of the Orion dense cores: Unveiling the Jet Launching Scenario from Low-mass Protostars
3-3 Takanori Fujita 藤田 孝典 Outflow Structures in the Vicinity of the Class 0 Low-mass Protostar in L483
3-4 Kohki Gotoh Dust grain growth in asymmetrical protoplanetary disk of V1247 Ori
3-5 Muneaki Imai 今井宗明 Envelope Structure of Isolated Protostellar Source CB244
3-6 Ji-hyun Kang Methanol masers and outflows in massive star forming regions
3-7 Chia-Lin Ko 柯嘉琳 Resolving Linear Polarization due to Emission and Extinction of Aligned Dust Grains on NGC1333 IRAS4A with JVLA and ALMA
3-8 Sheng-Jun Lin 林聖鈞 Physical and chemical modeling of starless cores
3-9 Aran Lyo TBD
3-10 Jonathan Marshall Scattering albedoes of dust in debris discs resolved in both scattered light and continuum emission.
3-11 Fumitaka Nakamura 中村文隆 Star formation triggered by cloud-cloud collision
3-12 Ellis Owen Probing the interplay between thermal and non-thermal processes of molecular clouds in the multi-messenger, multi-wavelength era
3-13 Dipen Sahu Prestellar cores and fragmentation in the Orion molecular clouds
3-14 Jinshi Sai 崔仁士 Kinematical transition from an infalling envelope to a quiescent core around the protostar L1489 IRS
3-15 Travis Thieme 陸哲軒 Searching for Accretion Flows around Class 0 Protostars with ALMA
Session 4: Circumstellar disks, exoplanets and the solar system (5)
4-1 Akimasa Kataoka 片岡章雅 Multi-origin millimeter-wave polarization of protoplanetary disk around HD 142527
4-2 Munetake Momose 百瀬宗武 Investigating the gas-to-dust ratio in the protoplanetary disk of HD 142527
4-3 Nagayoshi Ohashi ALMA Large Project: Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk)
4-4 Ya-Wen Tang 湯雅雯 Dust polarization in the circumternary disk GG Tau A system
4-5 Takashi Tsukagoshi 塚越 崇 High-resolution multiband imaging for the radial variation of the spectral index in the protoplanetary disk around TWHya
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