Poster Presentation
Investigating the gas-to-dust ratio in the protoplanetary disk of HD 142527
Presenter: Munetake Momose (Ibaraki University)
We present ALMA observations of the 99 GHz dust continuum and the 13CO J=1-0 and C18O J=1-0 line emissions of the protoplanetary disk associated with HD 142527. The 99 GHz continuum shows a strong azimuthal-asymmetric distribution similar to that of the previously reported 336 GHz continuum, with a peak emission in dust concentrated region in the north. The disk is optically thin in both the 99GHz dust continuum and the C18O J =1−0 emissions. We derive the distributions of gas surface density, dust surface density, and G/D \propto \Sigma_dust^-0.53, and the β-index is derived to be \approx 1 and \approx 1.7 in the northern and southern regions of the disk, respectively. These results are consistent with the accumulation of larger dust grains in a higher pressure region. In addition, our results show that the peak of dust surface density is located ahead of the peak gas surface density. If the latter corresponds to a vortex of high gas pressure, the results indicate that the dust is trapped ahead of the vortex, as predicted by some theoretical studies.