Poster Presentation
Molecular gas properties in the central region of NGC 613
Presenter: Yusuke Miyamoto (NAOJ)
We carried out high-spatial resolution observations (~0.1’’ or ~10pc) in CO lines with ALMA toward the central region of a nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC 613. We have identified ~50 molecular clouds with
an average value of 23 pc in radius and 6.8 km/s in velocity dispersion in CO(1-0) via dendrogram. We derived for the first time in this galaxy the ICO–N(H2) relation based on the virial method. Utilizing CO(3-2) data whose resolution is comparable to that of CO(1-0), we derived the intensity ratio of CO(3-2) to CO(1-0). The ratio in the center is 1.6 and decreases with the radius. On the other
hand, the clear intensity gradient in the cloud-scale cannot be found. The intensity ratio is high in the regions associated with the jet-driven winds.