Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: September 30, 2018 (Taiwan Time)
SPICA/SMI Kickoff Meeting
October 4, 2018
ASIAA R1203, AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building


Thursday October 4, 2018
Session I: Chair: Youichi Ohyama
09:00~09:15 The status of SPICA
Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS, JAXA)
09:15~09:30 Taiwanese participation in SPICA
Shiang-Yu Wang (ASIAA)
09:30~09:55 The current status of SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument (SMI)
Hidehiro Kaneda (Nagoya Univ.)
09:55~10:20 Technical details of SMI
Daisuke Ishihara (Nagoya University)
10:20~11:00 Coffee Break
Session II: Chair: Hidehiro Kaneda
11:00~11:35 Development of the SMI detectors
Takehiko Wada (ISAS/JAXA)
11:35~12:00 Budget and schedule
Naoki Isobe (ISAS/JAXA)
12:00~13:30 Lunch
Session III: Chair: Shiang-Yu Wang
13:30~13:45 The SPICA science program
Hidehiro Kaneda (Nagoya Univ.)
13:45~14:20 Cosmological surveys
Hideo Matsuhara & Takehiko Wada (ISAS, JAXA)
14:20~14:35 Probing early stages of galaxy cluster assembly
Yen-Ting Lin (ASIAA)
14:35~14:50 Proving AGNs in formation with SPICA
Youichi Ohyama (ASIAA)
14:50~15:15 Evolution model of PAH abundance in galaxies
Hiroyuki Hirashita (ASIAA)
15:15~15:30 Coffee Break
Session IV: Chair: Takehiko Wada
15:30~15:55 Gas and dust disks in planetary system formation
Daisuke Ishihara (Nagoya University)
15:55~16:20 The Worlds in Collision in Debris Disks of Low Mass Stars
Wing Ip (Institutes of Astronomy and Space Science, National Central University)
16:20~16:45 Possible Magnetic Field Observations with SPICA
Patrick Koch (ASIAA)
16:45~17:10 Revealing Accretion & Evolution of Heavily Embedded High-Mass Protostars
Hiro Takami (ASIAA)
17:10~17:30 From science requirements to the SMI specifications
Naoki Isobe (ISAS/JAXA)
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