Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: November 6, 2021 (Taiwan Time)
East Asia Submillimeter-wave Receiver Workshop
November 25(Thu)-26(Fri), 2021
Update: Due to recent restrictions, the workshop is fully online.


Dear colleagues,

We are announcing the 22nd East Asia submillimeter-wave receiver workshop. This workshop will be held online, in the week of November 25-26, 2021.

In this workshop, we will discuss and share the progress and ideas of the research groups from the regional institutes and universities in the topics for millimeter to sub-millimeter wavelength frequency range such as,

  1. Projects, Systems and Instruments
  2. Heterodyne/direct detectors
  3. Local Oscillators
  4. Optics
  5. Backends
  6. Correlators
  7. Components and other techniques

We explicitly welcome your participation. The workshop is looking forward to having your contribution and please proceed to registration.

For any comments or questions relative to this workshop, please contact us at LOC coordinator.
EARW_2021   _replace_to_@_

October 1st, 2021
LOC of 22nd EA receiver workshop

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