Tuesday March 28, 2017 | |
09:00~09:20 | Photon emission from the direct vicinity of black holes Kouichi Hirotani (ASIAA) |
Session 2b : Relativistic jets and magnetic fields | |
09:20~09:50 | Invited The Jet Collimation Break: Towards the Paradigm Shift in AGN Jets Masanori Nakamura (ASIAA) |
09:50~10:10 | The study of jet formation and dissipation by measurement of jet structure in NGC 4261 Nakahara Satomi (SOKENDAI/JAXA) |
10:10~10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30~10:50 | Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron José L. Gómez (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC) |
10:50~11:10 | RM studies with Inoue-san: VLBA, SMA, ALMA, and GLT/EHT Keiichi Asada (ASIAA) |
11:10~11:30 | Microscopic Processes in Global Relativistic Jets Containing Helical Magnetic Fields Kenichi Nishikawa (Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville) |
11:30~13:00 | Lunch |
13:00~13:20 | The role of magnetic field for relativistic jets and black hole accretion disc Yosuke Mizuno (ITP, Goethe University Frankfurt) |
13:20~13:40 | 3C 84: Past, Present, and Future Hiroshi Nagai (NAOJ) |
13:40~14:00 | Monthly VLBI Monitoring of 3C 84 with KaVA and KVN Kiyoaki Wajima (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) |
14:00~14:30 | Coffee Break |
Session 2c : AGN circumnuclear region | |
14:30~15:00 | Invited X-ray observations of circumnuclear regions in AGNs Hajime Inoue (Meisei University) |
15:00~15:20 | Circumnuclear torus revealed by VLBI Satoko Sawada-satoh (Kagoshima University) |
15:20~15:40 | Accretion matter in the circumnuclear region of AGNs Seiji Kameno (Joint ALMA Observatory / National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) |
15:40~16:00 | Poster flash talks |
Session 3 : Keynote | |
16:00~16:05 | Welcome address (Masa Hayashi) |
16:05~16:25 | Congratulatory address Paul Ho (ASIAA) |
16:25 | Keynote Things failed, undone, and wish to do Makoto Inoue (ASIAA) |
17:05~17:10 | LOC announcemnet |
17:10~17:20 | Group Photo |
17:45 | 1st bus |
18:15 | 2nd bus |
19:00~21:30 | Banquet |