Oral Presentation
Monthly VLBI Monitoring of 3C 84 with KaVA and KVN
Presenter: Kiyoaki Wajima (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
I present a series of observation results of a nearby radio galaxy 3C 84 with millimeter-wavelength VLBI by the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) and the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA). 3C 84 was one of the most important targets in the VSOP Project, while it is now in an active phase with long-term increase in radio flux since 2005 and the increased activity at very-high-energy gamma rays. We have conducted multi-epoch observations with the KVN at 86 and 129 GHz, and monthly monitoring by the KaVA at 43 GHz from August 2015, and directly detected changes in the structure on sub-parsec scales with an abrupt increase in the radio flux.