Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: August 15, 2023 (Taiwan Time)
Probing the Universe at Higher Resolution:
A Celebration of the Science and Leadership of Paul T. P. Ho
October 30(Mon)-November 3(Fri), 2023
Taipei, Taiwan


After a distinguished career at MIT, CfA, ASIAA, and EAO that spanned 45 years, Dr. Paul T. P. Ho formally retired from ASIAA in 2021. As a scientist, a mentor, and a leader in astronomy, Paul has been making countless contributions to the field of astrophysics, to the education of early-career scientists, to the building of new observing facilities, and to the development of astronomy in Asia. With a profound longing for discovering Nature, Paul has been inspiring colleagues and generations of young astronomers in their pursuit to push frontier science.

To celebrate Paul's career, we convene a conference to bring together world's experts to present forefront research in astronomy and to discuss future directions in a quest to probe the Universe at even higher resolutions in search of new phenomena.

The conference will be held in Taiwan from October 30 to November 3, 2023, with a main focus on but not limited to the following areas:

  • Star and Planet Formation
  • Black Holes and Galactic Center
  • Nearby Galaxies and Distant Galaxies
  • Development of Astronomy

The conference will include both invited and contributed talks. The first part of the conference will be held at the Great Roots Forestry Spa Resort outside of Taipei on October 30 and 31, followed by a second part at ASIAA from November 1 to November 3.

first announcement
registration deadline for PRC passport holders
deadline for registration and accommodation request
final announcement, conference program available

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

  • Maria Teresa Beltrán (INAF-OAA, Italy)
  • Josep Miquel Girart (CSIC / IEEC, Spain)
  • Luis Ho (Kavli-PKU, China)
  • Pei-Ying Hsieh (NAOJ, Japan)
  • Patrick Koch (ASIAA, Taiwan)
  • Nagayoshi Ohashi (ASIAA, Taiwan; co-chair)
  • Aina Palau Puigvert (IRyA-UNAM, Mexico)
  • Sienny Shang (ASIAA, Taiwan)
  • Satoko Takahashi (NAOJ, Japan)
  • Jean Turner (UCLA, US)
  • David Wilner (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian, US)
  • Luis Zapata (IRyA-UNAM, Mexico)
  • Qizhou Zhang (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian, US; co-chair)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

  • Cindy Chiu (ASIAA, Taiwan)
  • Shirley Huang (ASIAA, Taiwan)
  • Patrick Koch (ASIAA, Taiwan; co-chair)
  • Yi-Jehng Kuan (NTNU, Taiwan)
  • Satoki Matsushita (ASIAA, Taiwan; co-chair)
  • Sienny Shang (ASIAA, Taiwan)
  • Ya-Wen Tang (ASIAA, Taiwan; co-chair)
  • Hsi-Wei Yen (ASIAA, Taiwan)


Academia Sinica ASROC nstc

The first part of the conference at the Great Roots Forestry Spa, October 30 and 31, is supported by ASROC. The second part at ASIAA, November 1 to 3, is funded by NSTC and ASIAA.

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