Poster Presentation
Evaporation of a proto-planets in the proto-accretion disk
Presenter: Kibeom Kim (Kyungpook National University)
We study a role of the proto-accretion disk while the planetary systems are formed. Most of formation theories of planets show that low limit of semi-major axes of the planetary orbits is around 0.01 AU. Migration theory causes fast migration and requires the braking mechanism to stop the planet ~0.01 AU. We examine evaporation of planets in the accretion disk which is another possible scenario for explaining the observational lack of massive inner planets. We calculate location of planet evaporation when the radius and the mass of exoplanet are given. We find that the evaporation location is approximately proportional to the planet mass as mp^(-1.3) and the planet radius as rp^(1.3). We compare an auxiliary mechanism providing the heats irradiated from the host star.