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MT Thermometer:
Magnetic Fields or Turbulence:
Which is the critical factor for the formation of stars and planetary disks?
February 6(Tue)-9(Fri), 2018
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Poster Presentation

Resolving High Velocity Components in NGC2023 MM1 Outflows

Author(s): Li-Wen Liao (NTHU); Vivien Chen (NTHU)

Presenter: Li-Wen Liao (NTHU)

NGC 2023 MM1, a class 0 protostar in Orion (d ~ 350 pc), with L ~ 7 L⊙ drives a large bipolar outflow in the CO (3-2) emission previously observed with JCMT. Using the SMA, we resolved two continuum sources with an angular resolution of 3”. We also derived masses of 4.3 M⊙ and 0.7M⊙for MM1 and MM2, respectively. With an spectral resolution of 1.2 km/s, we also observed C18O emission on both MM1 and MM2 and determined the systemic velocity of ~ 9.5 km/s. In CO (2-1) emission, integrated intensity map shows clearly cavities and high collimated jets in low-velocity gas and high-velocity gas. Assuming LTE and optically thin of CO emission, we calculate the outflow mass of 2.9x10-3 M⊙ and 1.6x10-3 M⊙ for blue- and red-shifted lobe. We also fit the mass-velocity relation with the factor of -1.8 and -1.2 for blue- and red-shifted lobe that is consistent with the value of other low-mass young stellar objects.

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