Poster Presentation
Dating a prestellar core: L1512
Presenter: Sheng-Jun Lin (National Tsing Hua University)
We estimate the age of a prestellar core, L1512, in the Taurus
molecular cloud with H2D+ (110-111) and multiple transitions of N2H+,
N2D+ and DCO+ using GBT, JCMT, and IRAM 30 m telescope. L1512 is
chosen because it is globular-shaped and relatively isolated in the
Taurus molecular cloud, providing an ideal environment for studying
the target properties. Prestellar cores are the sites for future star
and planet formation. Although we know the gravitational collapse
plays a main role during the star formation, it is not yet well
understood how the detailed formation process depends on the physical
and chemical properties. One key factor hindering our understanding is
that it is quite difficult to determine the age of the prestellar
cores. In order to estimate the age of the prestellar cores, we have
developed two techniques: either measure the deuteration ratio profile
of a H-carrier (best species is N2H+) or measure the depletion profile
of CO, both across the core. With the help of chemico-dynamical
models, we can compare the observations to an evolutionary model for
both methods and constrain the age of the cores.