Friday February 21, 2020 | |
09:00~09:20 | Invited / Remote Development of the ACA Spectrometer based on GPU technology Jongsoo Kim (KASI) |
Circumstellar Disks II (Chair: Akimasa Kataoka) | |
09:20~09:50 | Invited / Remote Toward understanding origin of gas in debris disks Aya Higuchi (NAOJ) |
09:50~10:05 | The resolved dust gap-ring structure of the CR Cha disk and their possible origins Seongjoong Kim (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
10:05~10:20 | Modeling of the ALMA HL Tau polarization by mixture of grain alignment and self-scattering Tomohiro Mori (Institute of Astronomy, the University of Tokyo) |
10:20~10:35 | Radial variations of grain size and turbulence in protoplanetary disks revealed by ALMA polarization Satoshi Ohashi (RIKEN) |
10:35~11:05 | Coffee Break |
ISM, Star Formation, and Astrochemistry III (Chair: Munetake Momose) | |
11:05~11:35 | Invited Multi-line spectroscopy to assess molecular cloud properties Yuri Nishimura (The University of Tokyo / NAOJ) |
11:35~11:50 | Feedback in Massive Star Formation Kei Tanaka (Osaka University / NAOJ) |
11:50~12:05 | Singly- and doubly-deuterated formaldehyde in massive star-forming regions Sarolta Zahorecz (Osaka Prefecture University / NAOJ) |
12:05~12:20 | ALMA View of Chemistry of Hot Molecular Cores at Low Metallicity Takashi Shimonishi (Niigata University) |
12:20~13:45 | Lunch |
ISM, Star Formation, and Astrochemistry IV (Chair: Jihyun Kang) | |
13:45~14:15 | Invited Extremely Bright low mass protostar GSS30 IRS1: an outbursting naked protostar? Kazuya Saigo (NAOJ) |
14:15~14:30 | ALMA Observations toward the S-shaped Outflow and the Envelope around NGC1333 IRAS4A2 Chen-Yu Chuang (NTU/ASIAA) |
14:30~14:45 | Remote A 10 au Scale View of the Low-Mass Protostellar Source IRAS 16293-2422 Source A Yoko Oya (The University of Tokyo) |
14:45~15:15 | Invited Constraining dust mass and grain sizes in young stellar objects based on (sub)millimeter extinction curves Hauyu Baobab Liu (ASIAA) |
15:15~15:45 | Coffee Break |
Galaxies and Galactic Nuclei II (Chair: Yusuke Miyamoto) | |
15:45~16:15 | Invited ALCHEMI survey: a comprehensive extragalactic spectra scan in an archetypal starburst galaxy NGC 253 Nanase Harada (ASIAA) |
16:15~16:30 | Cold molecular gas observations toward nearby luminous AGNs Takuma Izumi (NAOJ) |
16:30~16:45 | Remote Star formation traced by optical and millimeter hydrogen recombination lines and free-free emissions in the dusty merging galaxy NGC 3256
– MUSE/VLT and ALMA synergy – Tomonari Michiyama (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA)) |
16:45~17:00 | ALMA Sees the Heart of Perseus: Discovery of the Cold Gas Stream and Rotating Disk in NGC1275 Hiroshi Nagai (NAOJ) |
17:00~17:15 | Time Variations of the Sgr A* Flux at 230 GHz Yuhei Iwata (Keio University) |
17:15~17:30 | Correlation test between Eddington ratio and gas fraction of AGN host galaxies Yui Yamashita (The University of Tokyo) |
17:30~17:45 | Comparison between submillimeter and near-infrared observations of IRAS 17208-0014 Shunsuke Baba (NAOJ) |
17:45~18:00 | Closing |