Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: December 1, 2019 (Taiwan Time)
2020 ERG Science and Space Weather Workshop
January 13(Mon)-15(Wed), 2020
NCU, Taiwan


Monday January 13, 2020
Session 1 (Chair: Jih-Hong Shue and Yoshizumi Miyoshi)
09:00~09:10 Shu-Kun Hsu (Dean of College of Earth Sciences)
09:10~09:30 Overview of the Arase/ERG project and highlights from the prime mission
Yoshizumi Miyoshi (Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya)
09:30~09:50 The Geo-Magneto-Electric Connection
Martin Connors (Athabasca University)
09:50~10:10 Comparable analysis of storm-time electron precipitations: HEO ERG and LEO POES missions
Alexei Dmitriev (National Central University)
10:10~10:30 Pi2 pulsations observed by the Arase satellite inside and outside the plasmasphere
Mariko Teramoto (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
10:30~10:40 Group Photo
10:40~11:10 Coffee Break
Session 2 (Chair: Lung-Chih Tsai)
11:10~11:30 Arase observation of electron pitch angle scattering by Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic waves
Satoshi Kurita (Nagoya University)
11:30~11:50 Precipitations of energetic electrons due to ULF modulation
Hiroyo Ohya (Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University)
11:50~12:10 Perpendicular heating of cold ions and fast magnetosonic waves in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase
Kazushi Asamura (JAXA)
12:10~12:30 PIC Simulations of Magnetosonic Wave in the Dipole Magnetic Field: Equatorial Wave Confinement
Kyungguk Min (Chungnam National University)
12:30~14:00 Lunch
Session 3 (Chair: Kyungguk Min)
14:00~14:20 Reversal of density perturbations near the dawn terminator in association with geomagnetic activity
Sunny W. Y. Tam (Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences, National Cheng Kung University)
14:20~14:40 The low-energy electron instrument onboard ERG and its observation results
Yoichi Kazama (ASIAA)
14:40~15:00 Simulation study of wake formation behind the Debye-scale object
Chun-Sung Jao (National Central University)
15:00~15:20 On the Generation and Expansion of the Chorus Waves Observed After the Injection of Electrons at the Onset of a Substorm
Ling-Hsiao Lyu (National Central University)
15:20~15:40 Gravitational Instability of Strongly coupled Radiative Plasma
Sachin Kaothekar (MIT, Ujjain, Behind Air Strip, Datana, Dewas Road Ujjain, (M.P.))
15:40~16:10 Coffee Break
Session 4 (Chair: Nozomu Nishitani)
16:10~16:25 Using two-dimensional autocorrelation method to improve the performance of automatic algorithm on ionogram
Kai-Jun Ke (Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering, National Central University)
16:25~16:40 Statistical characteristics of 3-m field-aligned irregularities of sporadic E layer during the summer 2017 and 2018
Ting-Han Lin (Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering, National Central University)
16:40~17:00 Ionospheric electron density and irregularity observations using GPS radio occultation data
Lung Chih Tsai (GPSARC/CSRSR, NCU, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
17:00~17:15 Simulation of Footprints of a Radar Beam at High-frequency Waves for Ionospheric Over-The-Horizon Communication
De-Shao Yao (Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering, National Central University)
17:15~17:35 Modelling Cosmic Noise Absorption during M and X class Solar Flares.
Olugbenga Ogunmodimu (Manchester Metropolitan University)
17:35~17:55 Variations in ozone concentration during three recent solar cycles over India
Dada Nade (Center for Space and Atmospheric Science, Sanjay Ghodawat University, Kolhapur)
17:55~18:10 Comparison of quite time ionospheric total electron content from IRI-2016 model and GPS observations
Mulugeta Zegeye (Addis Ababa University/Aksum University)
19:00~21:30 Banquet
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