Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: December 10, 2019 (Taiwan Time)
Workshop for Protoplanetary Disks and Exoplanets
December 17(Tue)-18(Wed), 2019
ASIAA R1203, Taipei, Taiwan

Oral Presentation

High-resolution ALMA and NIR imaging of protoplanetary disk around T Tauri star

Author(s): Mihoko Konishi (Oita University)

Presenter: Mihoko Konishi (Oita University)

Protoplanetary disks have a wealth of substructures such as gaps/rings structures, spiral arms, and asymmetries. Multi-wavelength observations can reveal the dust distributions of different grain sizes, which give us information to discuss the origin to produce such disk structures. This talk focuses on T Tauri star HP Cha system (~190 pc, ~2 Myr) observed with ALMA and VLT/SPHERE. Our ALMA observations (project code: 2017.1.01460.S) were conducted at Band 6 to detect dust continuum and CO gas isotopes. In addition, we obtained the scattered light from the disk with SPHERE/IRDIS DPI mode in J band, and searched point-like sources by using SPHERE/IFS in NIR broad band (program ID: 0102.C-0561). The 1.3 mm continuum image (beam size: 53 mas x 30 mas) first revealed a ring structure with the width of ~0.1 arcsec (~19 au) at the radius of ~0.27 arcsec (~51 au), while the polarized light was detected within ~0.23 arcsec (~44 au). The results would indicate the clear evidence of dust filtration in HP Cha disk. We will discuss the detail properties and origins of observed dust distribution.

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