Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: August 15, 2019 (Taiwan Time)
Science with the Submillimeter Array: Present and Future
November 4(Mon)-5(Tue), 2019
ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan

Poster Presentation

Core mass function in the low-metallicity environment

Author(s): Natsuko Izumi (Ibaraki University)

Presenter: Natsuko Izumi (Ibaraki University)

Past studies of dense core reported that the slope of the core mass function (CMF) and stellar initial mass function (IMF) are consistent, suggesting that the origin of the stellar IMF is directly linked to the origin of dense cores. However, dense cores have been observed and studied only in the inner part of the Galactic plane (including the solar neighborhood), which has similar metallicity to that of the solar neighborhood. Thus, an important question to address is ‘‘whether the same relation between the CMF and stellar IMF holds true even in metal-poor regions’’. We propose CO and dust continuum observation of star- forming molecular clouds in the outer Galaxy, which has a metallicity that is only ~ 20 % of the solar neighborhood. Using high-resolution and high- sensitivity capabilities from interferometer such as SMA and ALMA, we will be able to estimate the CMF in the metal-poor environment for the first time. In the conference, I will report the results of our pilot study with ALMA and propose new observation with SMA.

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