Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: August 15, 2019 (Taiwan Time)
Science with the Submillimeter Array: Present and Future
November 4(Mon)-5(Tue), 2019
ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan

Poster Presentation

SMA observations of GRB151027A

Author(s): PoChieh Huang (CYCU), Yuji Urata (NCU), Kuiyun Huang (CYCU)

Presenter: Po-Chieh Huang (CYCU)

We present SMA observations of GRB151027A with multi-wavelength data
set. The event was the 999th GRBs detected by the Swift satellite and
it has a dense afterglow monitoring from X-ray, optical, to radio band.
Our SMA observations was started at ~2 days after GRB
trigger and identified the bright (~17 mJy) submm afterglow. The
rapid decay with the index ~-2 indicates reverse shock synchrotron
radiation or jet phase was dominated during the SMA observational
period. We also reduced VLA monitoring data and performed a
two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic jet simulation to describe
the radio afterglow.

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