Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: June 30, 2016 (Taiwan Time)
TIARA Summer School on Radio Astronomy
August 15(Mon)-19(Fri), 2016
Taipei, Taiwan

Local Information


ASIAA Auditorium, 1F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building
No.1, Roosevelt Rd, Sec. 4, (inside NTU main campus)
Taipei, Taiwan

Accommodation for Lectures

Accommodation for Students


Lunch boxes will be provided. No dinner will be arranged except for the banquet.

International Airports

Visa and Airport

Please refer to ASIAA website for more information for foreign visitors.

Transportation to ASIAA

Astronomy-Mathematics Building/ASIAA is located on the campus of the National Taiwan University (NTU). There are 3 MRT stations within walking distance: Gongguan, Taipower Building and Technology Building. Please refer to ASIAA website for more information.

It might be helpful to print out the bilingual instructions for taxi drivers/asking directions etc.


ASIAA will not contact participants for credit card information. Privacy and Security Policy