Friday October 26, 2018 | |
09:40~09:55 | Opening: Ron's Fest You-Hua Chu (ASIAA) |
09:55~10:00 | Ron@ASIAA Paul Ho (Remote) |
10:00~10:30 | Double Core Evolution MCMLXXVIII-MMXVIII Paul Ricker (University of Illinois) |
10:30~11:00 | Accretion onto the supermassive black hole in our Galactic center Feng Yuan (Remote) |
11:00~11:30 | Accretion disk and corona in BHXRBs and AGNs Bifang Liu (Remote) |
11:30~12:00 | An Extraordinary Celestial Spiral with a Twist Hyosun Kim (KASI) |
12:00~12:20 | X-ray Bursts from the Neutron Star Surface Ken Chen (ASIAA) |
12:20~13:30 | Lunch |
13:30~13:40 | Frank Shu (Remote) |
13:40~14:00 | High energy astrophysics around compact objects Kouichi Hirotani (ASIAA) |
14:00~14:30 | Search for surviving companions in Type Ia supernova remnants Kuo-Chuan Pan (National Tsing Hua University) |
14:30~14:50 | A hungry baby star eating a space hamburger spitting spinning bullets Chin-Fei Lee (ASIAA) |
14:50~15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:00~15:30 | Gamma-ray binaries and magnetization of pulsar wind Jumpei Takata (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) |
15:30~16:00 | Isotopic Fractionation Simulations for the atmosphere of Pluto Chien-Chang Yen (Fu Jen Catholic University) |
16:00~16:30 | Protostellar circumbinary disks around eccentric binaries Philipp Moesta (University of California at Berkeley) |
16:30~16:50 | Circumstellar Disks and Accretion in the Binary System UY Aurigae Ya-Wen Tang (ASIAA) |
16:50~17:10 | Dust settling in turbulent protoplanetary disks Min-Kai Lin (ASIAA) |
17:10~17:30 | Fun with hot Jupiters Pingao Gu (ASIAA) |
17:30~17:50 | Ron Taam @TIARA Hsien Shang (ASIAA) |
17:50~18:00 | Concluding Ron Taam |
19:00 | Dinner 曉鹿鳴樓 Speeches from HK Chang, Lien-Hsuan Lin, MJ Wang, Rebecca Zheng, Ing-Guey Jiang |