The subject of galaxy evolution covers a wide range of scales, from large-scale structure in the universe to the supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies. The field is rapidly evolving as new facilities come online. To draw a complete picture, it is important to connect the astrophysical processes operating on various physical and time scales responsible for shaping the diverse properties and demographics of galaxy populations. Paralleled to other events on specific aspects of galaxies, a workshop series with a broader scope, essentially on everything about galaxies, is highly desirable. Motivated by this, we decided to hold a "Galaxy Evolution Workshop" every year to improve our understanding of the complex nature of galaxies and their evolution over the cosmic time. This year, we will host the workshop in Taiwan at ASIAA, the first time outside Japan since Taiwan and Korea joined in organizing the event. We believe that this international workshop will contribute to the growth of the galaxy community in the East-Asia region.
The goals of the workshop are:
- to present and discuss new results in galaxy science
- to discuss what the next steps will be to piece together the missing pieces of galaxy evolution
Any presentations related to galaxies, from the Milky Way to the most distant galaxies, are welcome. We especially encourage young postdocs and students to participate and present your results.
In addition to general science sessions, we will have a focused session. This time our main theme is "Quiescent galaxies at high redshifts", undoubtedly one of the hottest topics in galaxy evolution this year. We invite several keynote speakers to provide a broad context review. We also welcome contributed talks about this focused topic. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
This 10th workshop is jointly hosted by the Japan, Taiwan, and Korea communities to spark collaboration in East Asia.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Yao-Yuan Mao
- University of Utah
- Kung-Yi Su
- Harvard University
- Kei Ito
- University of Tokyo
- Jeong Hwan Lee
- Kyungpook National University
- Minjung Park (remote)
- Harvard University
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):
- Daichi Kashino (NAOJ, chair)
- Yi-Kuan Chiang (ASIAA)
- Ena Choi (University of Seoul)
- Kei Ito (Univ. of Tokyo)
- Takuma Izumi (NAOJ, advisor)
- Jubee Sohn(Seoul National University)
- Satoshi Kikuta (NAOJ)
- Haruka T. Kusakabe (NAOJ)
- Misaki Mizumoto (University of Teacher Education Fukuoka)
- Kyuseok Oh (KASI)
- Hsi-Yu Schive (National Taiwan University)
- Yoshiki Toba (NAOJ)
- Po-Feng Wu (National Taiwan University)
- Hidenobu Yajima (Tsukuba University)
Local Organizing Committee (LOC):
- Yi-Kuan Chiang (ASIAA, co-chair)
- Cindy Chiu (ASIAA)
- Shirley Huang (ASIAA)
- Po-Feng Wu (National Taiwan University, co-chair)
Registration deadline
- Abstract submission
- March 24, 2024
- Registration
- March 24, 2024
No Registration Fee
Please contact: gew-soc-2024 (add
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