Poster Presentation
RHD simulations of torus in AGN
Presenter: Qianqing Yin (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
The unification scheme of AGN has been supported by increasing observations. The basic model of this scheme is that: the central engine, which is an accreting supermassive black hole (SMBH), is surrounded by a dusty toroidal structure so that the observed diversity depend on different viewing angles of an axisymmetric geometry. The torus consists of dust grains mixed with gas; these grains interacted with radiation of the central engine and reradiate in the infrared (IR). Hence, the torus is not only drived by the central irradiation, but also keeped by IR pressure. Moreover, the radius of torus extends from a few parsecs to tens of parsecs and its obscuration is primarily equitorial, but its actual shape is still an open question. In this work, we use RHD simulations to study the evolution of torus. The physical picture is that: the dusty torus, which is set to a spherical shell, rounds the central SMBH ∼ 107M⊙. The gravitation and radiation effect the torus together. The gravitation contains that from SMBH and self-gravity of torus, and the radiation also has two components, including irradiation from the central engine ∼ 0.5 Eddington luminosity and following reradiation. However, our results suggest that a long-term torus without extra boundary conditions is difficult to hold.