Poster Presentation
The Observation of TXS0506+056 with Medium-bands
Presenter: Sungyong Hwang (Seoul National University)
The TXS0506+056 is a BL Lac type object and possible counterpart of neutrino event IceCube-170922A. It is the first time that the neutrino event and flaring in wide-wavelength-range flaring coincided. Therefore, many follow-up observation conducted in wide-wavelength range. We observed TXS0506+056 with medium-bands which is attached to 0.25m and 2.1m telescope at McDonald observatory. We could track the variability of SED of the target and it showed no abrupt variability in optical range. We concluded that the medium-bands are well suited for tracking the SEDs of objects and our instrument have possibility to find transient objects with large field of view. This property enables us to conduct follow-up observations of transient and monitoring of AGNs.