Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: August 31, 2016 (Taiwan Time)
SMA science in the Next Decade
October 27(Thu)-28(Fri), 2016
ASIAA Auditorium, Taipei, Taiwan

Invited Presentation

Upgrading the Submillimeter Array

Author(s): Paul Grimes, Ray Blundell, Robert Kimberk, Steve Leiker, Scott Paine, Nimesh Patel, John Test, Edward Tong, Robert Wilson, Ken Young, Lingzhen Zeng (CfA)

Presenter: Paul Grimes (CfA)

After 13 years of operation, we are undertaking a major upgrade of the Submillimeter Array's cryogenics, receivers and other systems that will enhance the science capabilities of the array and replace components reaching end-of-life. Here we describe the new receivers, containing dual-polarization, ultra-wideband SIS mixers operating at 230 and 345 GHz, the new ultra-wideband IF signal transport and correlator system, and the enhanced observing capabilities that will be enabled by this upgrade, as well as the opportunities for future development of the the SMA's capabilities.

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