Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: August 31, 2016 (Taiwan Time)
SMA science in the Next Decade
October 27(Thu)-28(Fri), 2016
ASIAA Auditorium, Taipei, Taiwan

Invited Presentation

High redshift science with the SMA

Author(s): Scott Chapman (Dalhousie University)

Presenter: Scott Chapman (Dalhousie)

The SMA continues to be a valuable facility in the north where it has no real competition at 850microns and shorter wavelengths, and new and exciting high redshift targets continue to be uncovered from wide field surveys. The SWARM correlator has significantly expanded the capabilities of SMA for high redshift science. The agility of the SMA compared to ALMA also means that it can quickly uncover novel results where its sensitivity is not the limiting factor.
I highlight several recent programs at the SMA that have illustrated these niches, and point to future programs that might optimally utilize the wide bandwidth capabilities of the completed SWARM correlator.

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