Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: February 15, 2016 (Taiwan Time)
M87 Workshop: Towards the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of Cosmic Jets
May 23(Mon)-27(Fri), 2016
Taipei, Taiwan

Invited Presentation

High energy emission from black holes magnetosphere

Author(s): Amir Levinson (Tel Aviv University)

Presenter: Amir Levinson (Tel Aviv University)

I will discuss possible origins of the HE and VHE emissions observed in low luminosity AGNs, focusing on magnetospheric emission. Recent work suggests that local discharges in polar gaps in rotating black holes may account for the variable TeV emission detected in M87 and, conceivably, other sources. It has also been suggested that the plasma produced in the spark gap may be dense enough to account for the radio emission seen on horizon scales in M87. I will discuss the processes that control the gap structure, and elucidate the conditions anticipated in deferent sources.

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