Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: February 15, 2016 (Taiwan Time)
M87 Workshop: Towards the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of Cosmic Jets
May 23(Mon)-27(Fri), 2016
Taipei, Taiwan

Invited Presentation

Characterizing ``Radio Mode'' AGN Outbursts: the Recent 12 Myr History of the Supermassive Black Hole in M87

Author(s): William Forman (CfA) Eugene Churazov (MPA) Christine Jones (CfA)

Presenter: William Forman (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)

M87, the bright active galaxy dominating the core of the Virgo cluster, is ideal for studying the interaction of a supermassive black hole with a gas rich environment. We combine results from a deep Chandra observation with a simple shock model to derive the properties of the outburst that created the 13 kpc shock previously reported around M87. The principal constraints for the model are 1) the observed temperature and density profiles, 2) the measured Mach number (about 1.2) and radius of the 13 kpc shock, 3) the observed size of the inner cavity (~3 kpc) that serves as the piston to drive the shock, and 4) the absence of a hot, low density plasma surrounding the central cavity. Qualitatively, the absence of a hot, low density (shocked) region surrounding the inner radio lobes (the piston), requires a "slowly" expanding piston and "long" duration outburst rather than a Sedov-like outburst. Quantitatively, a roughly 5 x 10^57 ergs outburst that began about 12 Myr ago and lasted about 2 Myr matches all the constraints. In the context of the model, ~20% of the energy is carried by the shock as it expands to large radii while ~80% of the outburst energy is available to heat the core gas. For an outburst repetition rate of about 12 Myrs (the outburst age), 80% of the outburst energy is sufficient to balance radiative cooling. We discuss the outburst history of M87 as chronicled in its radio and X-ray images and the implications of these outbursts for heating gas rich environments.

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