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East Asian Meeting on Astronomy
October 14(Mon)-18(Fri), 2013
NCU, Taiwan

Invited Presentation

X-ray and gamma-ray study of cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnants

Author(s): Yasunobu Uchiyama (Rikkyo University)

Presenter: Yasunobu Uchiyama (Rikkyo University)

Diffusive shock acceleration at supernova-remnant (SNR) shock waves provides the most promising model for the origin of galactic cosmic rays. While observations of synchrotron X-ray emission near the shock waves can probe the highest energy electrons and the diffusion coefficient, the gamma-ray observations provide a means to confirm proton acceleration at SNR shocks and thereby to measure the acceleration efficiency and the electron-to-proton ratio of diffusive shock acceleration. Here we present our recent results from X-ray and GeV gamma-ray observations of SNRs. Particular emphasis will be placed on the detection of the characteristic spectral feature of pion-decay gamma rays in two SNRs W44 and IC443 with the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. We also discuss future X-ray observations with the ASTRO-H satellite, which is planned to be launched in 2015.

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