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East Asian Meeting on Astronomy
October 14(Mon)-18(Fri), 2013
NCU, Taiwan

Poster Presentation

Search for and Characterization of Open Clusters From Pan-STARRS1 3pi Survey

Author(s): Chien-Cheng Lin (NCU), Wen-Ping Chen (NCU)

Presenter: Chien-Cheng Lin (NCU)

We have used a star-count algorithm based on the 3π survey data taken by the Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System to identify and characterize uncharted open clusters (OCs). With completeness magnitudes of about 22 mag in gp1, rp1, ip1 bands and about 20 mag in zp1 and yp1 bands, our data are 100 times more sensitive than currently available surveys. We have analyzed a field of 20° × 20° toward the Galactic anticenter and found 1660 density enhancement regions of which 79 (out of 129) are known OCs, and 949 are OC candidates. The preliminary OCs characterization results are membership determinations of NGC 2158 and NGC 2168. NGC 2168 contains at least 3000 stars which is two times larger than previous study, and NGC 2158 contains ~ 500 stars which reached to the fainter (gp1 ~ 22 mag) i.e., lower mass stars ~ 0.75 Msun at this distance can be identified.

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