Oral Presentation
Designing Science Classroom for Astronomy in Mongolian Traditional Home
Presenter: Tsolmon Renchin (National University of Mongolia)
There is a lack of training opportunities of astronomy for university students, amateurs and the public. Mongolian decision makers and development planners think of astronomy as an esoteric science with little relevance for economic development and do not concern themselves with the development of astronomy education. How can Mongolia justify large investments in telescopes and observatories and astronomical research while there are people living in poverty? Astronomy education falls even further behind other developing countries. We desperately need more research project and education in astronomy in Mongolia. One of education activity for astronomy is to have traditional Mongolian home (GER) planetarium. We are planning to establish the small educational planetarium in Mongolia first time. In order to establish it we will use traditional Mongolian home (GER) This planetarium will be first planetarium ever in Mongolia. The GER is a herder's most important home-school. GER is easy to put up and people make GER within one hour and it is simple bring from one place to other place. The lattice work forms the wall, and supports the long roof poles, which come together at the central ring. The round GER with round roof is very suitable for planetarium dome. It can easily accommodate the planetarium equipment and large star party. The small educational planetarium will be established in GER and can move any remote areas of Mongolia. We think Mongolian traditional GER can be used for designing the Science Classroom of the future. Furthermore, this Science Classroom will be used as the astronomical center that is widely open to serve the requirement of teachers, students, pupils and people in the remote areas of Mongolia. We hope that we will experience educational science classroom during “9th East Asian Meeting on Astronomy”.