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East Asian Meeting on Astronomy
October 14(Mon)-18(Fri), 2013
NCU, Taiwan

Invited Presentation

Studies of Exoplanetary Systems with Subaru Telescope

Author(s): Masayuki Kuzuhara (TiTECH), Motohide Tamrua (Univ. of Tokyo/NAOJ), SEEDS/HiCIAO/AO188/Subaru Team

Presenter: Masayuki Kuzuhara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Observations of planetary systems beyond the Solar System provide us a deeper understanding of processes of planet formation and evolutions, which should be an important clue to uncover the origin of our Solar System. The Subaru 8-m Telescope has been used to study planets and disks around other stars. We mainly report the recent progresses of the SEEDS campaign, in which state-of-the-art observation techniques and near-infrared instruments are employed for direct imaging of exoplanets and circumstellar disks. These allow us to overcome extremely high brightness-contrast between planets/disks and their parent stars. The total SEEDS sample will reach 500 Sun-like or more massive stars whose ages are ranging from 1 to 1000 Myr. The survey is currently in its fourth year, and to date, it has identified intriguing structures close to the central stars (r < 100 AU), such as gaps or spirals, both in the protoplanetary and debris disks. Furthermore, SEEDS has detected new substellar companions including planets with properties that have not been known. These include a massive giant planet orbiting the B-type star kappa And and several Jupiter-mass planet orbiting a nearby Sun-like star GJ 504. The planet in the GJ 504 system has unique properties compared with the previously directly imaged planets. High-contrast imaging by SEEDS has also provided better characterizations of the exoplanet systems detected by indirect observation techniques. These results are reported and discussed, as well as the introductions for our planed future observation projects.

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