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TIARA Workshop on Astrobiology
June 28(Sun)-July 2(Thu), 2015
ASIAA R1107, Taipei, Taiwan


The TIARA Astrobiology Workshop aims to promote research related to the Origins of Life under the broad disciplines of Astronomy and Biology. The specific areas and topics covered within the workshop are made to present the local interests and strengths within Taiwan and potential areas that complementary interests could develop with international collaborations. With the acceleration of astronomical discoveries through the large telescopes that Taiwan has joined over the past decade, such as ALMA and the SMA, the pursuit of intellectual satisfaction of one's own Origins and the places we live, become imminent.

Among the questions that will be touched upon include

This Workshop brings international and domestic experts in the areas of Star Formation, Meteoritics, Asteroids and Comets, Solar System, Astrochemistry, Paleobiology, Molecular Biology, and Radio Astronomy to stimulate discussions across the boundaries. It is also meant to invite other local researchers in Astronomy, Biophysics, Biology and Chemistry to join the adventure. The invited presentations will be given in tutorial form for a thorough introduction and overview of the specific topics, and there will be ample time for discussions and opportunities for topics that are not listed or covered already.

There is no registration required for the workshop. Participants from all related disciplines are welcome.

Invited Speakers

Organizing Committee

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