Visit ASIAA Homepage Registration Deadline: June 28, 2015 (Taiwan Time)
Python Crash Course
July 6(Mon)-10(Fri), 2015
ASIAA Auditorium, Taipei, Taiwan

Running Python in Python Crash Course

For the crash course, the software will run on a pre-installed operating system (Linux CentOS 6.6) working inside a virtual machine platform (VirtualBox). Participants should download and install the virtual machine on their own laptops before the school starts. There is no technical support nor trouble shooting during the school as it will be extremely disruptive for the lecturer and other participants. It is strongly recommended that the installations of the most updated version should be done before the school for better learning experiences. Any installation issues before the school starts (July 6) should be directed to yhtseng   _replace_to_@_

Minimum system required

  1. MS Windows/Mac OS X/Linux OS
  2. one 64bit CPU
  3. 4GB RAM
  4. 20GB disk space for Virtual Machine

Installing VirtualBox

  1. download Oracle VirtualBox binaries
  2. install VirtualBox binaries. (double-click the VirtualBox binary you download)

Setting up the VM in VirtualBox

  1. download VM file (2015TIARA_python20150630.ova) from IAA ftp site
  2. follow the instructions (PDF) for more details, including
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